Results for 'Hendrik Egbert Sipke Woldring'

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  1.  12
    De pansofie van Comenius: zijn zoektocht naar een allesomvattende wijsheid.Hendrik Egbert Sipke Woldring - 2016 - Budel: Damon.
    Overzicht van het gedachtegoed van de Tsjechisch-Nederlandse geleerde (1592-1670), die streefde naar een synthese van wetenschap, waarden en wijsheid.
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    Schepper naast God?: theologie, bio-ethiek, en pluralisme: essays aangeboden aan Egbert Schroten.Egbert Schroten & Theodoor Adriaan Boer (eds.) - 2004 - Assen: Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
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    Hendrik Petrus Berlage: Thoughts on Style, 1886-1909: Thoughts on Style, 1886-1909.Hendrik Petrus Berlage - 1996 - The Getty Center for the History of Art.
    An architect and architectural philosopher, Berlage created a series of buildings and a body of writings that probed the problems and possibilities of Modernism. His principal texts, given here in English for the first time, present a vital chapter in the history of European Modernism.
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  4. The brute within: appetitive desire in Plato and Aristotle.Hendrik Lorenz - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Hendrik Lorenz presents a comprehensive study of Plato's and Aristotle's conceptions of non-rational desire. They see this as something that humans share with animals, and which aims primarily at the pleasures of food, drink, and sex. Lorenz explores the cognitive resources that both philosophers make available for the explanation of such desires, and what they take rationality to add to the motivational structure of human beings. In doing so, he finds conceptions of the mind that are coherent and deeply (...)
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    Responsibility, second opinions and peer-disagreement: ethical and epistemological challenges of using AI in clinical diagnostic contexts.Hendrik Kempt & Saskia K. Nagel - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (4):222-229.
    In this paper, we first classify different types of second opinions and evaluate the ethical and epistemological implications of providing those in a clinical context. Second, we discuss the issue of how artificial intelligent could replace the human cognitive labour of providing such second opinion and find that several AI reach the levels of accuracy and efficiency needed to clarify their use an urgent ethical issue. Third, we outline the normative conditions of how AI may be used as second opinion (...)
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  6.  18
    Technology and the future: a philosophical challenge.Egbert Schuurman - 1980 - Toronto: Wedge Publishing Foundation.
  7.  36
    Modeling habits as self-sustaining patterns of sensorimotor behavior.Matthew D. Egbert & Xabier E. Barandiaran - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:96572.
    In the recent history of psychology and cognitive neuroscience, the notion of habit has been reduced to a stimulus-triggered response probability correlation. In this paper we use a computational model to present an alternative theoretical view (with some philosophical implications), where habits are seen as self-maintaining patterns of behavior that share properties in common with self-maintaining biological processes, and that inhabit a complex ecological context, including the presence and influence of other habits. Far from mechanical automatisms, this organismic and self-organizing (...)
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    Deconstructing a verbal illusion: The 'No X is too Y to Z' construction and the rhetoric of negation.Egbert Fortuin - 2014 - Cognitive Linguistics 25 (2):249-292.
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    Responsible ethics for global technology.Egbert Schuurman - 2010 - Axiomathes 20 (1):107-127.
    Technical thinking predominates in industrial society. It also predominates ethics. Virtually everything is viewed in terms of the technical model or—more broadly—the reductionistic machine model. Neither of these models has any room for life as a fundamental and decisive factor. Huge problems have been the result. Our appreciation of technology will change completely if the will to power and mastery will be exchanged for respect for all that lives, in all its multi-coloured variety and multiplicity. The aim of technology should (...)
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    Societal concerns about PORK and PORK production and their relationships to the production system.Egbert Kanis, Ab F. Groen & Karel H. De Greef - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (2):137-162.
    Pork producers in Western Europe moreand more encounter a variety of societalconcerns about pork and pork production. Sofar, however, producers predominantly focusedon low consumer prices, therewith addressingjust one concern. This resulted in an intensiveand large-scale production system, decreasinglyrelated to the area of farm land, andaccompanied with increasing concerns aboutsafety and healthiness of pork, animal welfare,environmental pollution, and others.An overview was given of possible concernsabout West-European pork production with theconsumers, citizens, and producers, and thoseconcerns are traced back to the pork productionsystem. (...)
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    Coming to terms with subjectivity.Hendrik De Smet & Jean-Christophe Verstraete - 2006 - Cognitive Linguistics 17 (3).
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    Concepts: the treatises of Thomas of Cleves and Paul of Gelria: an edition of the texts with a systematic introduction.Egbert P. Bos & Stephen Read (eds.) - 2001 - Sterling, Va.: Editions Peeters.
    These are two of only three medieval treatises known to the editors explicitly devoted to discussion of concepts. That is not to deny that other works treat extensively of concepts among other matters.
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  13. For Biological Systems, Maintaining Essential Variables Within Viability Limits Is Not Passive.M. Egbert - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (1):109-111.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Homeostats for the 21st Century? Simulating Ashby Simulating the Brain” by Stefano Franchi. Upshot: The target article proposes that Ashby’s investigations of the homeostat and ultrastability lead to a view of living systems as heteronomous, passive “sleeping” machines and thus are in fundamental conflict with concepts of autonomy developed by Jonas, Varela and others. I disagree, arguing that (1) the maintenance of essential variables within viability limits is not a passive process for living systems (...)
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  14. Identifying cognitive indicators of task engagement.Joy Egbert & Jo Ann Arinder - 2024 - In Joy Egbert & Priya Panday-Shukla (eds.), Task engagement across disciplines: research and practical strategies to increase student achievement. New York: Routledge.
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  15. Der Typusbegriff in seiner deskriptiven Verwendung.Egbert Gerken - 1964 - Archiv für Rechts-Und Sozialphilosophie 1964:367-383.
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    Bemerkungen Zu den Sätzen Von Hausdorff‐Urysohn Und Padmavally.Egbert Harzheim - 1964 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 10 (2-3):17-21.
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    Kirche und Politik in pluralistischer Gesellschaft.Hendrik Munsonius - 2015 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 59 (3):168-178.
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    Philosophy as Responsibility: A Celebration of Hendrik Hart's Contribution to the Discipline.James H. Olthuis, Hendrik M. Vroom, John H. Kok, Dirk H. Th Vollenhoven, Nicholas John Ansell, Stoffel N. D. Francke, Gary R. Shahinian, Jeffrey Dudiak, Lambert Zuidervaart, D. Vaden House, Carroll Guen Hart, Janet Catherina Wesselius & Perry Recker (eds.) - 2002 - Upa.
    This festschrift collects a number of insightful essays by a group of accomplished Christian scholars, all of who have either worked with or studied under Hendrik Hart during his 35-year tenure as Senior Member in Systematic Philosophy at the Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto, Canada.
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  19. Some early writings of Jonathan Edwards.Egbert Coffin Smyth - 1896 - Worcester, Mass.,: Press of C. Hamilton.
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    Der Weltbegriff in Heideggers Sein und Zeit: Kritik der "existenzialen" Weltbestimmung.Egbert Thomas - 2006 - New York: P. Lang.
    Ziel der Untersuchung ist die Kritik der «existenzialen» Weltbestimmung aus Heideggers Sein und Zeit. Die phänomenologisch-hermeneutische Methode der Welt- und Umweltanalyse wird nachgezeichnet. Heidegger denkt bereits in seinem frühen Hauptwerk eine verhältnishafte Welt, die «zwischen» Mensch und Ding steht. Die Grenzen der bloß «existenzialen» Welt, deren Akzent auf dem Verstehen liegt, werden aber sichtbar durch eine hier erfolgende umgekehrte Betonung der leiblich gestimmten Befindlichkeit und Räumlichkeit des menschlichen In-der-Welt-seins.
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    Karl Mannheim: the development of his thought: philosophy, sociology and social ethics, with a detailed biography.H. E. S. Woldring - 1986 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
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    Om de menselijkheid van de cultuur: het streven naar cultuurvernieuwing bij Comenius, in relatie met rozenkruisers en vrijmetselaars.H. E. S. Woldring - 2021 - Eindhoven: Damon. Edited by E. Ruijsendaal.
    In dit boek neemt de Tsjechisch-Nederlandse geleerde Jan Amos Comenius (1592-1670) een centrale plaats in. Met zijn filosofie en onderwijsleer wilde hij de menselijkheid in de samenleving bevorderen. Hij kwam ervoor op dat mensen met verschillende levensbeschouwelijke visies konden samenwerken om dit doel te helpen realiseren. Ook komen rozenkruisers en vrijmetselaars aan de orde, die reeds in de zestiende en zeventiende eeuw van zich lieten horen. Anders dan de kerken deden, manifesteerden zij een onafhankelijkheid van denken en een streven naar (...)
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    The ethics of australian executive remuneration packages.Klaas Woldring - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (11):937 - 947.
    This article raises the issue of growing inequalities in remuneration in Australia at a time of severe economic recession. The salary packages of the CEOs and senior managers of large Australian companies have been increased substantially in recent years often in spite of poor performance of the companies. At the same time real wages have either stagnated or, according to some researchers, have fallen in the same period. In addition unemployment has risen to unprecedented high levels (above 11%).The ethics of (...)
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    Are There Ideological Aspects to the Modernization of Agriculture?Egbert Hardeman & Henk Jochemsen - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (5):657-674.
    In this paper we try to identify the roots of the persistent contemporary problems in our modernized agriculture: overproduction, loss of biodiversity and of soil fertility, the risk of large animal disease, social controversies on the lack of animal welfare and culling of animals, etc. Attention is paid to the historical development of present-day farming in Holland as an example of European agriculture. We see a blinkered quest for efficiency in the industrialization of agriculture since the Second World War. Key (...)
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    How Does the Stock Market Value Female Directors? International Evidence.Hendrik Rupertus & Thomas R. Loy - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (1):117-154.
    We analyze investors’ perception and long-term effects of board gender diversity on firms’ stock market performance in an international setting. Our results, controlling for the endogenous nature of board compositions, indicate that female board representation neither improves nor reduces firms’ long-term stock performance. Hence, we argue that it is imperative to go beyond the conventional thinking in terms of the business case for gender diversity and broaden the perspective also to incorporate societal and ethical aspects in the strive to board (...)
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    Legal Progress Through Pragma-Dialectics? Prospects Beyond Analogy and E Contrario.Hendrik Kaptein - 2005 - Argumentation 19 (4):497-507.
    Pragma-dialectical approaches to legal argumentation seem to be rather different from traditional approaches appealing to standards of propositional logic. Pragma-dialectical analysis of arguments by analogy and e contrario seem to fall foul to the rigors of logical analysis, in which problems or even concepts of analogy and e contrario seem to disappear. The brunt of both types of special legal argumentation appears to be borne by often implicit general principles and an appeal to the system of the law as a (...)
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  27.  51
    The French reception of Völkerpsychologie and the origins of the social sciences.Egbert Klautke - 2013 - Modern Intellectual History 10 (2):293-316.
    This article reconstructs French readings and debates of German approaches to Vlkerpsychologie was a symptomatic approach during a transformative period in German, and indeed European, intellectual history: based on the idea of progressand on the belief in the primordial importance of the Volk, it represented the mindset of in an almost pure form. The relevance and importance of Vlkerpsychologie was not restricted to German academics: it was in France where central elements of VThlestin Bougle, Emile Durkheim, and Marcel Mausssocial sciencelkerpsychologie (...)
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  28. Sexuality and the Mentally Handicapped: The Perspective of Moral Theology.Egbert Schroten - 1991 - Studies in Christian Ethics 4 (2):64-67.
  29.  12
    Medieval supposition theory revisited.Egbert P. Bos (ed.) - 2013 - Leiden: Brill.
    In this work, the papers are presented which, on the basis of L.M. de Rijk's monumental 'Logica modernorum' (1962-1967), sketch the development of medieval theories on meaning and reference from the beginnings well into the 17th century. The book also presents studies of these theories from a modern point of view.
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    Nicholas of Amsterdam: commentary on The old logic: critical edition with introduction and indexes.Egbert P. Bos (ed.) - 2016 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    Master Nicholas of Amsterdam was a prominent master of arts in Germany during the first half of the fifteenth century. He composed various commentaries on Aristotle’s works. One of these commentaries is on the logica vetus, the old logic, viz. on Porphyry’s Isagoge and on Aristotle’s Categories and On Interpretation. This commentary is edited and introduced here. Nicholas is a ‘modernus’ – as opposed to the ‘antiqui’, who were realists – which means that he is a conceptualist belonging to the (...)
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  31.  12
    The American university library: Embattled by economics and technology.Hendrik Edelman - 1996 - Logos 7 (1):102-105.
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    (1 other version)The immigrants: Other immigrant publishers of note — in America: A coda of portraits.Hendrik Edelman - 2007 - Logos 18 (4):194-199.
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    Amphitruo I. 1, 26–30.James C. Egbert - 1894 - The Classical Review 8 (05):203-.
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    Commentary.Egbert Schroten - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7 (2):196-198.
    At an international workshop on Transgenic Animals and Food Production in Stockholm in May 1997 Peter Sandoe, a Danish philosopher, characterized the difference between Europe and the United States in attitudes toward biotechnology as a difference between and To do so, of course, sins against the eleventh commandment, but the distinction he draws is a concise way to highlight the differences in policymaking in matters of biotechnology.
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    English art critics and modern social radicalism.Donald D. Egbert - 1967 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (1):29-46.
  36. Introduction to task engagement across the disciplines.Joy Egbert - 2024 - In Joy Egbert & Priya Panday-Shukla (eds.), Task engagement across disciplines: research and practical strategies to increase student achievement. New York: Routledge.
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    Task engagement across disciplines: research and practical strategies to increase student achievement.Joy Egbert & Priya Panday-Shukla (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Routledge.
    Using an evidence-based model developed by Egbert and colleagues, editors Joy Egbert and Priya Panday-Shukla provide a comprehensive overview of task engagement for teachers and researchers. Research has positioned task engagement as central to student learning, and Egbert Panday-Shukla now collate this research into a resource teachers can utilize.The chapters address how task engagement theory, evidence, and instruction can be applied to increase learner achievement. The editors and contributors draw from backgrounds across STEAM education and other disciplines (...)
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    Imperative as conditional: From constructional to compositional semantics.Egbert Fortuin & Ronny Boogaart - 2009 - Cognitive Linguistics 20 (4).
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  39. Algorithms for user centred, problem driven automated coaching–.M. Hendriks, M. Spit & M. A. Weffers-Albu - 1991 - In Stephen Everson (ed.), Psychology: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 2. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 16--287.
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    On Tolkien’s Sense of Landscape and Other Matters.Egbert Leigh - 2008 - The Chesterton Review 34 (1/2):411-411.
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    A Péguy Special Issue?Egbert Leigh - 1993 - The Chesterton Review 19 (4):581-581.
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    Christian Reunion and Jewish-Christian Dialogue.Egbert G. Leigh - 1999 - The Chesterton Review 25 (4):562-562.
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    Saint Gilbert? A Non-Catholic View.Egbert Leigh - 1995 - The Chesterton Review 21 (3):421-421.
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    Seyyed Hossein Nasr, religion and the order of nature.Egbert Giles Leigh - 1998 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 44 (2):124-126.
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    The Importance of Our Jewish Heritage.Egbert Leigh - 2005 - The Chesterton Review 31 (1/2):249-250.
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    Raden Adjeng Kartini: Letters of a Javanese Princess.Hendrik M. J. Maier, Agnes L. Symmers, Hildred Geertz & Raden Adjeng Kartini - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (1):195.
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    Bartleby, the Scrivener.Egbert S. Oliver - 2010 - In Harold Bloom Blake Hobby (ed.), Bloom's Literary Themes: Civil Disobedience. pp. 59.
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    Fenomenologie a lingvistika.Hendrik Josephus Pos - 2013 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 34 (4):429-438.
    Translation:Hendrik Josephus POS, „Phénoménologie et linguistique.“ In: Keur uit de verspreide geschrift en van Dr. H. J. Pos. Vol. I. Assen: Van Loghum Slaterus 1957, p. 131–141.
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    Psychoanalysis and Social Science.Psychoanalysis and Existential Philosophy.Hendrik M. Ruitenbeek - 1964 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 24 (4):591-593.
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    Techniek: middel of moloch?: een christelijk-wijsgerige benadering van de crisis in de technisch-wetenschappelijke cultuur.Egbert Schuurman - 1977 - Kampen: Kok.
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